What can I say about San Francisco...sincerely two years ago was not love at first sight. When I arrived there, it was an august day full of foggy and wet. At the beginning, this conditioned my opinion. It seems to be dark and misterious. Only the day after , when the sun was shining, I understand that San Francisco is a fascinating city because of these various aspects.
It's nice for all this aspects, both when is full of fog or full of sun. For about the weather is a particular city; it is cold and wet instead of its geographical position, and the fog is present about every day. In this case the best months to visit it are september and october, when days are hottier and there is less rain. In april, in 3 days, we find every kind of weather: one day,foggy, one sunny and one rainy. 
San Francisco is a modern, alternative city, full of life. It's a strange american city, it seems to be an european city. It has a square, Union Square, and not many skyscrapers.
People who live in San Francisco come from every part of the world, there is on of the biggest chinese community and also many italians. So, also about the food, there are many possibilities! We can eat chinese, japanese, thai, america, italian... there are many good restaurants for every kind of food do you want to choose. See you at next and last stop of this trip and for every infos write me at info@cooked4u.it.

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